
Professor Pozzulo’s Pick (July, 2024)

  Professor Pozzulo’s Pick (July, 2024) The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness by Robert Waldinger, MD and Marc Shultz, Ph.D. (2023; published by  Simon & Schuster ) My take: Would you sign up for a study that would last your entire life? In,  The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness  by Robert Waldinger, MD and Marc Schultz, Ph.D. (2023; published by Simon & Schuster), people did just that. Two generations are followed for over 80 years (with the study still going), known as the  Harvard Study of Adult Development .    There were several great takeaways from this book. For starters, about 40% of one’s happiness is a product of one’s own actions and choices. So, if you’re wanting to be happier, you have some control over it. Moreover, regardless of the stage in life you are at, change is possible for improved happiness and well-being.   Not only do the authors allow you to examine the lives lived of som


Thank you to everyone who entered June’s book giveaway! We had a fantastic participation rate and have now selected two winners: Laura L. Alexia V.   Stay tuned for July’s pick and giveaway!   Happy reading,  Joanna

Professor Pozzulo’s Pick (June, 2024)

  Professor Pozzulo’s Pick (June, 2024) Why we sleep: Unlocking the power of sleep and dreams  by Matthew Walker, Ph.D. (published by  Simon & Schuster) My take: I’ll admit it, I thought I knew about sleep….get 7-9 hours of sleep a night, if you can’t sleep meditate and if that doesn’t work, get up and do something else. I was curious to read Walker’s book, Why we sleep: Unlocking the power of sleep and dreams (published by Simon & Schuster). Well, as it turns out there’s A LOT more to sleep than I thought. I’ll mention upfront that the book has been met with some criticism of Walker’s claims, so I was even more curious. In Why we sleep the reader is provided with several examples suggesting that a lack of adequate sleep both in quantity and quality is connected to ill health, from depression to Alzheimer’s to cardiovascular problems to cancer. I was hard pressed to think of a disorder or illness, mental or physical, that wasn’t connected to (lack of) sleep according to Walker.


We're giving away a copy of June's Professor Pozzulo's Picks. Click on read more  then  click here to enter to win  or copy the web address and search it in your browser: 

Stay tuned for this upcoming month's book selection!

Welcome to the Reading for Well-being Community Book Club! I am super excited to share my picks of evidence-based books on different aspects of well-being. I'll also give you my take on the book. I'm announcing my first pick on June 1st! I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on the book and to find out what else you might be reading. Reading and community have been shown to positively impact well-being so let's read together! - Joanna