
We're giving away a copy of June's Professor Pozzulo's Picks. Click on read more then click here to enter to win or copy the web address and search it in your browser: 


  1. Hi Everyone! Just to let you know that I will be drawing for the book giveaway on Monday.

  2. Is it too late to enter the contest, William Bradley

  3. Not too late to enter! Open until Mon. May 22, until 12:00pm. Two gift bags available.

    1. Sorry, I realized I made a typo, the giveaway is open until May 27th at 12:00pm.

  4. Thank you to everyone who entered June’s book giveaway! We had a fantastic participation rate and now have selected two winners:
    Laura L.
    Alexia V.

    Stay tuned for July’s pick and giveaway!

    Happy reading, Joanna


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