
Are you reading a book you want to share with others? Discuss book selections, reviews and communicate with each other here! 


  1. Anyone reading any good books?

  2. I just started reading Why We Sleep, but have been working my way through The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt - very relevant for the university context!

  3. I read the Anxious Generation as well! I think Haidt makes a compelling case being proactive around social media use in particular for children and adolescents.

    1. Agreed! Especially as a counsellor currently working with young adults, I hope for increased proactivity in limiting social media usage until brains are more fully developed!

  4. I'm looking forward to July's book.

  5. I just finished reading Why We Sleep, and I'm currently not reading any other psychology-related books at the moment, but one book that I absolutely loved reading was Atomic Habits by James Clear.


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